Lately I have felt like my life was going a million miles an hour and that's too fast for my personal taste. I like to be busy, but I really enjoy/need those times where I can sit, relax, or play with Jackson one-one-one. Luckily, Friday I had nothing planned and that's how I wanted it. I started out by being lazy and staying in my pj's while I got J ready for the day. Unfortunately, I realized he didn't look like he was feeling well so I brought him to the pediatrician, where we learned that he has a virus=( which meant I need to go to the store to get him the essentials.

Don't worry, that didn't put a dent in my lazy plans for the day. I joined J and put my sweats on and we cuddled and hung out on the couch most of the day as the snow continued to fall. When I woke up, I wanted to get my run in, so I jumped on the treadmill and did 5 miles while J ate some snacks and played next to me. Josh came home and had the same idea as me, he had got Kneaders for dinner and stocked us up on all of my favorite treats=)
Sweaty miles |
Saturday we all woke up feeling good, so I brought J downstairs with me while I did a quick 3 miles. I looked out the window and saw snow, a whole bunch of it! I had planned on running a Crazy Course 5k with my friend Vanessa. I was pretty hesitant since I don't have very good cold weather gear. Fortunately, Vanessa encouraged me to take on the adventure. I wore 2 pairs of pants, 3 shirts, gloves, a beanie, and a hood. The Crazy Course Turkey Run in Draper is a 3.3 mile run over trails, road, neighborhoods, and some train tacks. Ya, it was wild.
Before, waiting in my car where it was warm |
part of the trail, covered in snow |
train tracks and mud |
A big hill of about a foot of snow, Vanessa rocked it!(and a sign that we're supposed to be able to read) |
I ended up winning my age group and getting a turkey! That was my goal, and had told my mom I really wanted to win the turkey haha Once I realized how crazy wet, snowy, cold, and bizarre the course was I didn't think I'd win. Fortunately, my age group was pretty small=)
It was a great local race with awesome raffle prizes, long sleeve tech shirt, and the opportunity to win a turkey or pumpkin pie! I had a great time with Vanessa!
Pile on the Miles: 43 miles