Live Laugh Love
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about dancing in the rain.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Courtney and Blake=D
My best friend Courtney got married on Friday (19th) in the Salt Lake Temple. It's the 4th sealing I've been blessed to be in. She looked so beautiful and us bridesmaids had such a great time. We're all friends from freshman year and have been there for each other ever since. We had the luncheon at the Joseph Smith Memorial building and the reception was in West Jordan at Magnolia Grove. She's such a special girl, Blake is one lucky man! There headed to San Diego for the honeymoon as I type=D
This is Courtney and Blake, sorry I don't have more pictures that show their beautiful faces! The beautiful SL temple, Sooo gorgeous! Me, Liz, Shaylin, and Amanda at the Joseph Smith Memorial building overlooking the SL temple. Amanda was getting lessons from Liz on how to take good photos. The next picture is me dropping ice cream all over my dress... I almost made it through the night! Josh came to the reception, love him! The last picture is one I took of our rings, I was trying to be cool and take artistic pictures like Liz hahaha
Movie Night!
The picture is of Josh's idea of 'snacks in bed'(popcorn and grapes) because we don't have any cute trays and what not, he found a convenient way of using the pot roast pan hahah he's so cute!
Birthday Party for Cyd
So, some of my cousins got together and threw our cousin Cydnie a 22nd birthday party at my place. We had a great time eating pizza, chips, and Shannie's delicious chocolate caramel cake. Cydnie and Shannie just had baby boys, so it was fun for me and Sawyer to hold their babies. I hope we all can get together again soon! We also played catch phrase...boys against girls, of COURSE the girls won, Sawyer and I are too competitive to let the boys win. hehe
And all that Jazz
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
then Josh got to choose what to carve...of course, it's a Nike swoosh. He's so funny! This weekend we went to my sister Neeley's for a halloween dinner and her Birthday celebration.We ate delicious soup and A LOT of candy and caramel apples.The kids loved them! Saturday we made caramel apples again with some of our friends and watched The Knowing (we tried to find a really scary movie, but they're all R) so this movie was good and pretty creepy. We went to dinner to Pei Wei and had a great time! Another successful Halloween!
Friday, October 8, 2010
I absolutely love the weekend, who doesn't? On Friday's I usually don't have to work because I've already worked the max hours during the week(done for a reason). So I only have one class at nine and then the rest of the day is mine. The Friday started out amazing, I actually got up at 6:30 to go to the gym and then was ready to go to class by 9. It was also payday, so I made my way to the grocery store and got some really yummy food for fall cookin! I spent my afternoon with my hair up, apron on, and Paula Dean playing in the background. I made homemade potato salad, fruit salad, and cut up all the fruits and vegetable for the week so I can easily snack on those instead of candy or whatever else I may be craving. I cleaned the house, did laundry, and went to Thai Phan with Amanda to get fall decorations. So, my conclusion is, I love being a wife, a homemaker, and I never knew how happy that makes me feel. I can't wait to learn how to make homemade bread and sew and all that fun stuff. I have a lot of creative friends that are willing to help me learn all these new skills. This weekend's goals: make delicious pumpkin chocolate chip cookies(pictures to come) and a new recipe for Sunday my friend Lori gave me!
Ps the mountains are turning red, I know you can't see it very well, but that's the view right out my door, and I think they're so gorgeous!
Ps the mountains are turning red, I know you can't see it very well, but that's the view right out my door, and I think they're so gorgeous!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Today was the best day of fall yet. As the evening fell it was this dark orange sky with the clouds that look like you could just jump up and grab them because they look so close and textured. I love those nights. Josh and I went to CPK with Amanda and Brandon, and as we left there was a gorgeous lightning storm, it just makes the night so cozy. I think it's time to whip out the cocoa motion and start making delicious cocoa, cider, and watch hocus pocus!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Conference Weekend
This past weekend Josh and I went out to dinner with my work to Texas Roadhouse! It was so delicious..and free! We had a lot of fun. From there, we headed up to his parents house in Sandy and stayed the night. We always have a good time there, his mom got us an early Halloween treat pumpkin can so I could use it to decorate our house. She always has treats for us when we come up, so it's fun to stay up late and eat them.
My dad got us Saturday morning tickets to conference so we headed to Salt Lake and spent the rest of Saturday with my family. While at conference we ran into my Aunt Joanne and her friend from Africa. She has a new book out from Deseret, she escaped Rwanda and watched her family be killed. She found the church there as well when she received a humanitarian bag from the LDS church. It saved her life and she has an amazing story to share.
The rest of the weekend was a lot of fun. I love being able to hang out with my sisters and their families.
I'm excited for the Ensign to come out so I can read the talks over, I may or may not have slept through some of's hard when you're all comfortable at home!
My dad got us Saturday morning tickets to conference so we headed to Salt Lake and spent the rest of Saturday with my family. While at conference we ran into my Aunt Joanne and her friend from Africa. She has a new book out from Deseret, she escaped Rwanda and watched her family be killed. She found the church there as well when she received a humanitarian bag from the LDS church. It saved her life and she has an amazing story to share.
The rest of the weekend was a lot of fun. I love being able to hang out with my sisters and their families.
I'm excited for the Ensign to come out so I can read the talks over, I may or may not have slept through some of's hard when you're all comfortable at home!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Yesterday for my workout I was supposed to run the track in intervals. Well there was some huge event on both the BYU and Provo High school's track, so I headed to the gym and I was pretty disappointed. I like the workouts that I get to be outside and it's still warm so I wanna take advantage as much as I can. Anyways I walked into the gym and a class was going and it looked like an ab class so I jumped in. I quickly realized the music was pretty quiet and everyone had their shoes off... it was Yoga!
I've always been the type that likes to have really hard workouts and sweat, so yoga always seemed too mellow for me. I loved it! I got a great core workout, and I felt so relaxed. I just finished my workout with a run outside and called it a day.
So, I guess I can now say I'm a Yoga fan.
I've always been the type that likes to have really hard workouts and sweat, so yoga always seemed too mellow for me. I loved it! I got a great core workout, and I felt so relaxed. I just finished my workout with a run outside and called it a day.
So, I guess I can now say I'm a Yoga fan.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
When there's only two of you for family night sometimes you gotta get creative! Or just satisfy your craving....I admit it, I had been really craving a giant half baked cookie topped with french vanilla ice cream. So, for family night treat, I baked just that. I didn't have any real pazookie maker, but my small baking dish did just great. Josh and I devoured that giant cookie in literally minutes! It was very delicious!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Park City Meet the Steveson Girls!
My parents were in town from WA for about a week dropping my lil sis Bree off to BYU-I. I have two sisters Leah and Neeley that live in North UT. We all met up in Park City to go on these giant slides. I think it was the first time all the sisters were together since my wedding. We had such a blast! I don't have all the good pics, but the each person got there own little cart that you can control your speed.
The Kids loved it, and the adults wanted to go again haha Bree was going down and some type of squirrel got in her way and she almost ran it over, she was afraid it was going to jump on her face lol

I love being able to spend time with my family, I hope everyone can move to UT soon!
The Kids loved it, and the adults wanted to go again haha Bree was going down and some type of squirrel got in her way and she almost ran it over, she was afraid it was going to jump on her face lol
I love being able to spend time with my family, I hope everyone can move to UT soon!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Vegas Weekend
This past weekend Josh and I made our way down to Vegas. It was so much fun! He had surprised me with the trip (but told me with enough time to plan, so not like a huge surprise). We headed down Friday afternoon at around 3pm and got there around 8pm and we did NOT bring snacks for the trip because we thought eating a big lunch and then eating dinner there would be not. We finally got to the Rain Forest Cafe and ordered the biggest burgers on the menu. It was the best dinner ever! We devoured our food and headed to south Vegas. Josh showed me all the cool sites and hotel lobbies. I was so amazed at the madness in Vegas, like one huge house party haha
I love people watching, so Vegas was a prime spot to just watch all the people dressing up just to get money from you to take a picture with them.
We went shopping at the outlets, Josh spoiled me for my Birthday, I'm really lucky to have a guy that is willing to go shopping with me and even answer silly questions like, "should I get this dress or that one" lol
Saturday night we ate at Planet Hollywood and walked around all of North Vegas. We got to see a lot of the water shows and amazing hotels. We headed back to our hotel to sip on our slurpies, but I suddenly felt REALLY sick. I ended up getting food poisoning from the appetizer at Planet Hollywood and threw up all night.
Sunday we were supposed to go see his friend in St. George, but that wasn't happening with my night of adventure lol we headed home and that was that. Overall the trip was a lot of fun, I guess we just had to leave with a bang haha
I love people watching, so Vegas was a prime spot to just watch all the people dressing up just to get money from you to take a picture with them.
We went shopping at the outlets, Josh spoiled me for my Birthday, I'm really lucky to have a guy that is willing to go shopping with me and even answer silly questions like, "should I get this dress or that one" lol
Saturday night we ate at Planet Hollywood and walked around all of North Vegas. We got to see a lot of the water shows and amazing hotels. We headed back to our hotel to sip on our slurpies, but I suddenly felt REALLY sick. I ended up getting food poisoning from the appetizer at Planet Hollywood and threw up all night.
Sunday we were supposed to go see his friend in St. George, but that wasn't happening with my night of adventure lol we headed home and that was that. Overall the trip was a lot of fun, I guess we just had to leave with a bang haha
Birthday Dinner!
My mother in law offered to do a Birthday dinner for me and all of my family that was in Utah. That includes about 15 adults and 5 kids. I couldn't believe she was willing to take on this daunting task. The Scott's made delicious barbecued burgers, chips, beans, and my sisters brought very tasty potato and fruit salads.
It was the best Birthday ever! I loved having both mine and Josh's family together, it was so nice.
My mother in law doesn't bake too often, so when she asked what my favorite cake was, I had forgot that bakeries don't make confetti, but had told her confetti was my fav. She later confessed to me, that she went to all the bakeries and they had no idea what "confetti" cake was, so she had to buy and make it herself. I felt so bad, but she did such an amazing job. It was so moist and was 2 tiers! She's so sweet and I love her very much.
Thanks again for everyone who drove a long ways and came to celebrate with me.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Peace of Mind

I try and write in a separate journal once a week or more of the things I am grateful for. This was inspired by Elder Eyring's general conference talk on Rememberance and the journal my dad got for me with the inscription, "Oh Remember, Remember."
I love the moments of the quiet morning when you have time for yourself and pondering and you hear the little whispering of the Spirit that let you know what to write. I felt overwhelmed this morning as I thought about what I'm grateful for today. So, I thought I'd share them because it might help whoever reads to remember some of the greatest blessings.
The opportunity I have to go to the temple with my husband
Ending the day with Josh in prayer and scripture study
Family night on Mondays that we can do activities together or study a topic in detail
I know these are simple things, but I'm so grateful for the gospel and the wonderful blessings my family has received. It's hard to explain this, but I'm so grateful that Josh and I can share this with one another and we can grow closer together as we both choose to serve the Lord.
Monday, August 16, 2010
A Little About The Scott's
Josh and I have been married for 6 months. We met working at BYU athletics (he was in marketing and I was a secretary). Josh now works for an online retail store called Sewell and also is a DJ for weddings, proms, and events. Checkout his website He still does a lot of events for marketing during football, basketball, and volleyball season, he loves working for BYU.
I work for BYU athletic Sports Camps now and recently got hired as a personal trainer for Gold's Gym.
We're both excited for fall because it is our last semester!We are anticipating some change, but we're waiting to hear back from Nike to see if Josh got a new job with them. If he gets the job we may be moving North in the Draper area. We are preparing for whatever life brings us and taking in each moment of each day!
I work for BYU athletic Sports Camps now and recently got hired as a personal trainer for Gold's Gym.
We're both excited for fall because it is our last semester!We are anticipating some change, but we're waiting to hear back from Nike to see if Josh got a new job with them. If he gets the job we may be moving North in the Draper area. We are preparing for whatever life brings us and taking in each moment of each day!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Oh The Places We'll Go!
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