Friday, October 21, 2011

Family Night

Last Monday for family night Josh, Baby J, and I decided to check out the trails here in Draper.  There are SO many to choose from.  We chose a trail I had passed earlier in the day because all the fall leaves looked gorgeous! It was a bit chilly out so we bundled up and headed out.
The trail was a beautiful and had some great views of the Draper Temple

We also found this
Yep, Draper is THAT cool.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I love to run, I'm not fast and I can't run too far, but I love it.  I love getting new running shoes and clothes, and I love that feeling I get when I get in my zone.  I even follow several running blogs so I can learn from other women. 
Today on one of my running blogs, there's a giveaway! Janae from is having a giveaway for running shoes! If I blog about it, I get an extra entry=D Wish me luck, and check out her blog, I love it!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blessing Day

Jackson was blessed on Sunday.  It was perfect.  We blessed him at my sister Neeley's house over conference weekend because family was going to be in town.
He shared his special day with his beautiful cousin Maggie. They are exactly one week apart.  Although she's older, Jackson is a bit on the hefty side. . .
Josh did such a great job on his first baby blessing.  It was so sweet. There's nothing like hearing your husband speak so sweetly about your son and what the future holds for him. It was a special day.

It was so fun to have so much family around.  Thanks everyone who was able to make it such a fun day.

Scott family

my sisters